Required Lookup Filter Error

ERROR: Value does not exist or does not match filter criteria.

Sounds like an easy enough error to troubleshoot but the  message was deceiving. I work in a bit for work and while doing some field cleanup we started running in to this message. Of course we started getting it several days after the changes since it only effected records that had data in this one field which was not being used anymore and was not on the page layout anymore.

So you might think it was a validation or trigger error but turns out that if you remove a field or value in the system which a lookup field was using related to a required (not optional) filter, you will get this error. And to add spice as mentioned above, only if there is data in said field. The webpage linked below didn’t exactly answer the issue we were having but it did lead me down the right path and after reviewing all of the lookup fields on the object that had filters applied found the culprit. Once the check box for “Active” was removed or “Optional” was selected on the field and changes were saved, the error was resolved and the record and any related records could be updated once again.

1 Reply to “Required Lookup Filter Error”

  1. Thank you! This error has been killing me all day and this fixed it. Totally unrelated lookup on the Account was throwing the error in Opportunity.

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