Wave / EA: Counting the number of weeks, months, days, etc. in SAQL

This was for some reason harder than it should have been. Needed to create the number of weeks from the beginning of the year to today. Re-posting this really because there are not a lot of examples out on the web. date_diff(“week”,toDate(“2018-01-01″,”yyyy-MM-dd”), now()) as ‘YearlyGoal’ I will go back later to make the start of the year…

Embedding Wave Dashboard in to VisualForce page with Filters

This is a post on how to successfully embed a Wave dashboard in Visualforce with multiple datasource filters in Summer 17. If you found errors, fixes, or need help please comment and I’ll respond/update the post, thanks! Wave err…Einstein Analytics as Marketing has now re-branded Wave, is a little spotty on documentation. It assumes you drive…

Wave Replication and Data Accuracy

In order to support custom dataflows you have to turn on ‘Data Replication’ and you want to create custom dataflows in order to allow better control over schedules, development, debugging, and insulation against dataflow failures due to changes, data, etc. That being said you will want to disable incremental updates. Troubleshooting has several times come…