Silly Admin Trick: Removing Carriage Returns from Long Text Fields

Recently had a project to use Jitterbit to query and pull data out of in to a CSV file to import in to another system. All great and fine except long text fields with carriage returns were wrecking the CSV. This simple fix was all that was needed: Replace(root$transaction.response$body$queryResponse$result$records.Account$BillingStreet$,’\n’,”); Got it right off the support…

Too many SOQL queries: 101 even when using testSetup

I am a huge fan of creating global test classes within Salesforce that leverage one testSetup section to set up the data that then can be used many times to test the many different methods and classes. Gone are the days of having a million test classes to manage and update every time changes are made in…

Silly Admin Trick: List of all Objects

Do the following to get a list of Objects by their API names: Pop in to Workbench Run the following query:SELECT SobjectType FROM ObjectPermissions Click Bulk CSV to download Click the query button to execute Open in Excel and Dedupe A quick and easy way to generating a list for creating backups using ‘’:

Backing up Meta Data on a Mac

There are a couple solutions both paid and free for backing up your Metadata in addition to using an IDE like Eclipse. If you need something ‘free’ and on a schedule the best solution I have found has been: Alan Morey’s Force Meta Backup To use this tool though there’s a couple of prereq’s…

Clicking Link in Email Opens Blank Chrome Tab

Restart Chrome…it has an update that has been applied. Click Help -> About to validate but this issue drove me nuts and since I work on a Mac that only needs rebooting when the VPN crashes (1-4 weeks) I was periodically suffering through this one. It is amazing how long you can deal with a…

Find the API Name from the Field Label

I recently had a use case where I was going to take a drop down value and use that to pull a value from a separate lookup object. I would have “Hourly” and my logic would return “Hourly__c” which I could then use dynamic SOQL and sObjects to do some magic. I did not want to use hardcoded values… Icons

No school like the old school. A quick way to give quick visual feedback in the Classic UI is to use the built-in icons in conjunction with a formula field. A source that I have used forever seems to work and then not work so I found another URL that seems to work: Does…

Quick Tip: CSVFIX Duplicate Column

One tool I use to do bulk data loads in to does not allow mapping one source to multiple destination fields. You can of course use workflows or code to backfill the data once it gets in but a cheaper/easier alternative if it is just one field is the following: // Works on Windows…

Custom Settings Fun

Custom Settings are one of the great ways a developer can give admins power to update logic, settings, and the behaviour of code and really make code more flexible. This is just a quick reference of all the cool ways you can pull those settings back out without having to use a SOQL statement. The…