Silly Admin Trick: Date Formats without adding Zula Time

Microsoft Excel…it loves to format dates in a crazy way. By default it will do day dash 3 digit month name and 2 digit year like this: 13-Sep-2016. Not helpful. In the U.S. your first instinct would be to change it to 2-digit day dash 2-digit month dash 2 or 4-digit year: 10/13/2016. does…

Silly Admin Trick: Alternate Row Colors in Visualforce without CSS or Jquery for PDF Renderas

In, when you set up a Visualforce page to ‘renderas’ to export to PDF, there are lots and lots of constraints. I’m going to do a larger post on some of the tips and tricks to get PDF’s in Visualforce looking nice without hardcoding every style. Today’s silly admin trick is how to get alternate…

Silly Admin Trick: Checking Users Access to An Object

The question of whether all of your users have access to an object is an issue with VisualForce, specially when dealing with related lists. Unlike a standard page layout which has the logic built-in to not show related lists that a user does not have access to, Visualforce does exactly what you tell it to regardless….

Silly Admin Trick: Page Block Text Wrapping

PageBlock, PageBlockSection, and PageBlockTable are all the devil I know this. But I support a lot of legacy Visualforce pages and before we make the jump to the Lightning UI I am updating a lot of these pages and find that the text wraps in the ‘PageBlock’ Title attribute for no reason at all. So this…

Silly Admin Trick: Checkbox Formula

Hardly worth posting but never knew that if you just do a formula like “len(name) > 10” works the same as if you did “if(len(name) > 10, TRUE, FALSE)”. Silly shortcut but kind of cool! I found this while doing my favorite hobby…data cleanup and the case of the ‘who loaded the bad data!’.

Visualforce Page does not update or show in Recent Items

In order to drive data quality and usability it is sometimes helpful to show items from the ‘Recently Viewed’ table or straight from the object using the ‘LastViewedDate’ or ‘LastReferencedDate’. When accessing items from List Views, Reports, or Search the recently viewed fields are updated automatically (duh right?). When accessing a record from a custom… Email Connect : Exchange Sync (Beta)

>> I thought I had published this months ago but found it in my drafts so without further ado here are my notes on how to get the Exchange Sync working in a proof of concept environment. So with Spring 15 introducted new server side email and calendar sync features. You can read all about…

Great URL Encoding Resource

I do a lot ‘URL buttons’ where on a page or relate list I create a button that pulls / scraps fields from the current and relate objects and fill in the new record form. Stuff like Contact ID, Account ID, etc. that sometimes standard and custom objects don’t automatically pull over. Also good for creating…